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Photographic Credits

All images appearing on this website are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced for other purposes except with the written permission of the copyright owners. Persons interested in the re-use of any of these images are urged to contact the photographers directly.

We are grateful to the following photographers for providing images to GRIN:

Jorge Albuquerque  jalbuquerque@terra.com.br:  1 image 
  Dr. Jorge Albuquerque lives in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, where he has a particular interest in Atlantic rainforest birds. He is the founder of Associacao Montanha Viva, an NGO promoting the conservation of pristine montane habitats.

Armando Alcazar  bicolored@yahoo.com:  1 image 
  Armando is an amateur photographer in Lima, Peru. He is a former falconer with a particular interest in birds of prey.

Deborah Allen  dallenyc@earthlink.net:  6 images 
  Deborah is a New York City-based wildlife photographer specializing in birds. She recently spent five weeks in Sabah and has done additional field work in other parts of Malaysia and Thailand. See more of her photos at www.agpix.com/deballen.

Lety Andino  letyandino@salvanatura.org:  2 images 
  Lety is the Bird Monitoring Coordinator for the science program of SalvaNATURA, the largest conservation organization in El Salvador. She was an intern at the Point Reyes Bird Observatory in 2004.

Nyambayar  Batbayar  bnyamba@magicnet.mn:  2 images 
  "Nyamba" is a Mongolian ornithologist who has conducted extensive studies of the Cinereous Vulture and other birds of prey. He holds an M.Sc. degree in raptor biology from Boise State University.

Paul Bright  paulbright@gmail.com:  1 image 
  Paul is a computer programmer living in South Africa. He enjoys wildlife photography and has a special interest in raptors and other birds.

Jack Cafferty  jcafferty@peregrinefund.org:  1 image 
  Jack is the director of the Velma Morrison Interpretive Center at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey. He has conducted field work on falcons in Greenland.

Bill Clark  raptoursearthlink.net:  287 images 
  Bill is one of the world's best known raptor authorities and is the author of several raptor field guides. When he is not leading raptor-oriented tours around the world, he lives in South Texas.

Jack Clinton Eitniear  cstbinc1@aol.com:  1 image 
  Jack Clinton Eitniear heads the Center for the Study of Tropical Birds and is also the editor of the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society. He has conducted extensive field research in Belize and other parts of Central America.

Odette  Curtis  ocurtis@botzoo.uct.ac.za:  1 image 
  Odette is a raptor biologist at the Fitzpatrick Institute at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. She recently completed an internship at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.

Callie de Wet  cdewet@uiplay.com:  3 images 
  Callie is a photographer in Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Neil Deacon  neil@dab.co.zw:  2 images 
  Neil is currently the managing director of a group of pharmaceutical and food manufacturing companies in Harare, Zimbabwe. He holds a Ph.D. in ichthyology and is an avid falconer and raptor researcher.

Robert DeCandido  rdcny@earthlink.net:  7 images 
  Dr. Robert DeCandido studies raptor migration in Asian countries and manages an ambitious American Kestrel project in New York City, where he resides during non-migratory periods.

Martin Gilbert  mart_gilbert@yahoo.com:  3 images 
  Martin is a biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society Asia Program and is currently stationed in Cambodia. He has recently been conducting field research in Mongolia.

Ron  Hartley  tpf@peregrinefund.org:  8 images 
  The late Ron Hartley was an outstanding teacher, researcher and wildlife conservationist in Zimbabwe.

Miles Herbert  miles.herbert@btinternet.com:  5 images 
  Miles is a professional photographer in the UK specializing in custom marketing and merchandizing for the leisure industry. He has an additional passion for photographing animals and landscapes.

Ricardo Kuehn  rkuehn77@yahoo.com.br:  2 images 
  Ricardo is a photographer in Bahia, Brazil. His remarkable Harpy Eagle shots were made at the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas in that city.

Elize Meijer  elizemeijer@planet.nl:  1 image 
  Elize is a photographer in the Netherlands.

Satish Pande  pande.satish@gmail.com:  8 images 
  Dr. Pande is an interventional radiologist in Maharashtra, India. He is the founder-president of the ELA Foundation, an NGO devoted to nature conservation and education, and the author of numerous publications on birds, including the recent book, "Birds of Western Ghats, Kokan and Malabar" (Oxford University Press, 2003).

Chris Parish  cparish@peregrinefund.org:  2 images 
  Chris heads the field operations for The Peregrine Fund's California Condor Project in northern Arizona. He was formerly a professional football player and recently made an award-winning video on the condor.

Ryan Phillips  harpiabz@yahoo.com:  5 images 
  Ryan is presently living in Belize, where he is on the staff of the Belize Harpy Eagle Restoration Program (BHERP) of The Peregrine Fund.

Juan Maria Raggio  jumara@fibertel.com.ar:  10 images 
  Juan is a bird photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Guy Rondeau  g.rondeau@afnature.org:  2 images 
  Guy Rondeau is from Canada, and he is Director of the West African Raptor Programme for Africa Nature International. He has done extensive research on raptors in West Africa, especially Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, and the Congo, where he is presently in the field.

Cal Sandfort  csandfort@peregrinefund.org:  3 images 
  Cal heads the captive propagation program at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey. He recently conducted extensive field work in Greenland.

Valéry Schollaert  valery@valeryschollaert.com:  5 images 
  Valéry is a bird tour leader/instructor living and working in Tanzania. See his nice website at http://www.valeryschollaert.com/.

Ted Swem  ted_swem@fws.gov:  1 image 
  Ted is a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Fairbanks, Alaska. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Alaska Bird Observatory and the Raptor Research Foundation.

Gerhard Theron  gerhardh@cuny.co.za:  1 image 
  Gerhard is an avid photographer and conservationist in South Africa.

Simon Thomsett  simonthomsett@yahoo.com:  11 images 
  Simon is a native of Kenya who established the Athi River River Raptor FAcility. He is The Peregrine Fund East African Project Leader and conducts local conservation education programs and research on many African raptor species.

Russell Thorstrom  rthorstrom@peregrinefund.org:  14 images 
  Russell is a veteran field biologist on the staff of The Peregrine Fund. He heads our Madagascar and West Indies Projects and worked for many years on the Maya Project in Guatemala.

Olivier Tostain  olivier.tostain@wanadoo.fr:  3 images 
  Olivier is the leading authority on the birds of French Guiana and was the senior author of "Oiseaux de Guyane." He is administrator of the Réserves Naturelles de France in French Guiana.

Hernan Vargas  hvargas@fondoperegrino.org:  2 images 
  Dr. Vargas lives in Panama, where he is Director of Neotropical Science and the Student Education Program for The Peregrine Fund/Fondo Peregrino Panama. He is a native of the Galapagos and earned his Ph.D. at Oxford University.

Munir Virani  munir.virani@bigfoot.com:  8 images 
  Dr. Virani is a native of Kenya who conducts research on several raptor species in East Africa. He has also been involved in solving the Asian vulture crisis in Pakistan, India, and Nepal.

James Wiley  jwwiley@mail.umes.edu:  2 images 
  Jim recently retired from a long career with the U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, where he worked with endangered species, including the California Condor and Puerto Rican Parrot. He is one of the leading authorities on the birds of the West Indies and has co-authored the leading field guides for the region. He lives in Maryland with his wife and collaborator, Beth.

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